General — TransplantLyfe


Allergy Season

Transplant Patient
April 18, 2024 in General

Does anybody have any tips for navigating allergies? I've always had them, they got worse post transplant and this year seems to be hitting me especially hard.

I would like to not be living off Benadryl, so if anybody has any tips or tricks and wouldn't mind passing them along, me and my migraine (and sinus pressure and itchy eyes and congestion and...😂) would very much appreciate it.

1 - 3 of 3 Replies

  • DebTransplant Patient

    I’ve found that Claritin is safe and very effective for me. I can only use the 12 hour type the 24 keeps me awake and just makes me too hyper. I also use saline nose spray as soon as I come inside to get the pollen out of my nose and allergy eye drops for the same reason. I only do the Claritin every other day because it can dry me out too much. And you know this but drink lots and lots of water!! I hope you feel better and find something that works for you.

    April 18, 2024
  • MaryRTransplant Patient

    I am 9...almost 10 yrs post transplant & it keeps getting worse each yr. Of course, it doesn't help that I live in the allergy center of the world… Texas. I have been to my ENT for several years and he has me on a strict regimen and it does help. Using the saline 4 to 5 or even more times a day, Allegra tablets or anything similar, and I voluntarily throw in a product called Nasogel if my nose starts to get dry. If I become highly asymptomatic, he also has me using azelastine, a nasal steroid. All this helps, but like with most things consistency is the key. If you do this daily, and I underscore daily it will start to work and help you much better. Mine was becoming so bad that it would back up into my ears and it resulted in me having to have tubes put into my ears so it would drain. So, follow the regimen and hopefully is this won't happen to you. Good luck.

    April 18, 2024
  • Ldybug97Transplant Patient

    I used to have really bad allergies growing up, but believe it or not. Since Transplant they haven’t really been bothering me my go to is Zyrtec. It’s expensive, but it works wonders.

    April 19, 2024
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