General — TransplantLyfe


How does the weather affect your physical health?

Transplant Patient
November 2, 2021 in General

I'd love to hear from you about how weather (warm or cold) affects your physical body.

I'll go first.


in heat:

☀️ my migraines get worse

☀️ I have more energy

☀️ my memory is better

in cold:

❄️ achy joints

❄️ muscle aches

❄️ brain fog

❄️ fatigue gets worse

What about you?

1 - 7 of 7 Other Answers

  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    I love this since the weather seems to dictate my physical body more than my mood. And when I don't feel good, I'm in a bad mood. :)

    Any transitional season, or abrupt change in temperature really affects me. My digestive issues tend to get worse, I get severe joint and muscle pain, headaches... Fall and spring, or more milder, even states I have more energy, though, an able to concentrate better and experience less brain fog.

    I overheat easily, resulting in nausea, vomitting, more headaches

    In cooler temperatures I usually have more brain fog, insomnia, fatigue and overall stiffness. If I had to pick, though, I'd choose cold temperatures over hot ones anyday

    November 2, 2021
  • brookegurradExpert
    Transplant Patient

    I'd choose cold too!

    November 2, 2021
  • ChefAmandaTransplant Patient

    I haven’t noticed changes based on hot or cold but when the weather changes my body needs time to adjust. I also have digestive issues, headaches and fatigue.

    November 4, 2021
  • brookegurradExpert
    Transplant Patient

    @ChefAmanda the headaches and fatigue get worse for me in weather transitions too.

    November 4, 2021
  • Both extremes tend to fatigue me more then I often even realize. If it is too hot outside then I feel tired and wanna sleep, but if it is too cold outside I feel tired and wanna sleep. There is a healthy medium where a little chill to the weather with a nice warm sun shining on you seems to be my ideal in which I just physically feel the best, less tired, less sore, and little chance of illness.

    November 4, 2021
  • brookegurradExpert
    Transplant Patient

    @Jacob_Hiebert, so Fall?

    November 4, 2021
  • Fall is prime weather and nobody can tell me otherwise

    November 5, 2021
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