Care Partner — TransplantLyfe

Care Partner

Coping with unexpected life changes

kidneywarriorTransplant Patient
May 1, 2023 in Care Partner

I've recently taken on the role of care partner to my mom, and I am learning as I go - so far, so good, but this is a lot to take in all at once. The biggest challenge is that we live in different states and the constant travel... Any suggestions on how I can make this transition easier for both of us?

1 - 2 of 2 Replies

  • AliEm14Expert
    Transplant Patient

    This is a tough one! Is there anyone nearby who can help out when you can't? FaceTime and phone calls will be your best friend, but I'm sure you know that by now. As much as possible, I think caregiving should be a team effort instead of solely on one person.

    I also wonder if there's any way you can try to make the actual travel easier on yourself. Making the same drive over and over can be monotonous and exhausting in and of itself, so is it possible to listen to a good audio book, or debrief with a trusted friend during the drive?

    May 1, 2023
  • kidneywarriorTransplant Patient

    Thanks for the advice, @AliEm14! I have a relative who helps out. And I listen to good tunes and motivational podcasts while I drive, so that helps. But you're right - having someone to debrief with does help, and I do that sometimes. Maybe I should do that more often. Thank you for your advice!

    May 2, 2023
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